High level weapon status v21
High level weapon status v21

Note: This additional bonus damage applies as weapon base damage, meaning elemental mods and status that scale from base / modified base damage will be affected. The damage type of this bonus damage is determined by the Progenitor Warframe, as per this table. The Kuva weapons additionally have bonus damage of one damage type, ranging from 25-60% of the weapon's base damage determined randomly, with lower percentages being more common. To obtain the maximum rank, the player must polarize the weapon five times, with each Forma increasing the maximum possible rank by 2 (similar to Paracesis). A second weapon of the same variant but with a different Lich name will not provide extra mastery. Mechanics Ī Kuva variant of a weapon will only provide mastery points once. Kuva Ayanga - A grenade launcher Arch-gun.

High level weapon status v21